Saturday, February 20, 2010

The trouble with Flickr !

Well I've spent quite a lot of time setting up a flickr account, having first to have a yahoo address , disabling my cookies (whatever they were !) then getting started.
I've now my own account and have downloaded my first photo however I don't seem to be able to find the edit photo area in the flickr website - it doesn't even show up in the help area. What have I missed ?
I do love looking at other peoples photo's as I am a very keen photographer - great to see what other people are up to.At this stage I am an i-photo, photoshop girl so would be keen to see what flickr has to offer in comparison in their editing - help !
This is my original image - thought I might make the sky a different colour to see how that looked. Just for fun !
So looking forward to hearing if I've missed something very obvious. Cheers

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fritz stummel

    Well done love the photo :-) Next up mashups lots of fun!! :-)
